Wednesday 4 April 2012

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Golden Ratio

A snail shell works out to be a perfect golden section/ratio (especially if I'd cropped to exagerate it). Nature once again doing it's thing...

105mm 1/250s f/13 ISO100 - Bounced flash @ -1ev: b&w overlay

Monday 2 April 2012


I find it incredibly hard to photograph butterflies at times - especially when you have to balance the exposure as they land in a patch of white sunlit blossom - but this year I will continue my efforts.

105mm 1/200s f/4 ISO100 - Cropped

Mating Season

Rare find this one, a mating pair and the post-coital aftermath

105mm 1/200s f/8 ISO250-ISO400


A little fill-flash used to balance the exposure in this one

105mm 1/250s f6.3 ISO100 - Flash @ -2/3ev

Macro Part 1

Spider - 105mm 1/125s f/10 ISO200: flash @ -1ev

Ladybird - 105mm 1/200s f/8 ISO200

Caterpillar - 105mm 1/200s f/8 ISO1250: cropped, noise reduction. Although not critically sharp (due to some crazy subject movement), I felt the pose was interesting enough to warrant posting.

Thursday 29 March 2012

What's New

Taken on a lunchtime wander, and makes a change from the numerous blossom/flower shots...

105mm 1/200s f/2.8 ISO400

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Colour Pop

Not usually a fan of this technique, but in this case it improved a standard snapshot.

50mm 1/8000s f/1.8 ISO100 -1ev - selective de-saturation

Flower Power

50mm 1/6400s f1.8 ISO100 +1ev

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Blossom on the Tree

A few filler shots taken on a luchtime wander

32-85mm f/1.8-f/4 1/320-1/1600s ISO100 +1ev - Cropped

Monday 27 February 2012


Not the best time of year for bug hunting, but I still like this shot!

105mm 1/500s f/2.8 ISO100 - Cropped, mono-conversion


105mm 1/2000s f/2.8 ISO100 - Mono-conversion

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Black Swan

After neglecting my general blog for some time I've decided to share an iPhone / Instagram shot. With app's such as Hipstamatic and Instagram becomming so popular over the last year it's fast becomming a valid medium for professional photographers to explore ideas!

Friday 27 January 2012


Taken from the side of the road as I drove home, so not the most inspiring composition, but one worth blogging as I haven't posted in a LONG time...

24mm 1/40s f4.5 ISO2000 - Cropped, noise reduction, mono-conversion