Thursday, 31 March 2011


I got bored in the rain so shot yet another random self portrait.

50mm 1/50s f1.8 ISO3200 +1ev - Mono-conversion, levels

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

White Rabbit

I've gone back and forth with this image, trying different crops, adjustments, etc etc... The subject makes me want to keep it, but the original composition just wasn't working so I've opted for an extreme keyhole crop and basic mono-conversion. I like the fact the girl is pressed against the edge of frame looking left, it seems unatural which helps give it an uncomfortable feel. Will she follow, will she stay?

105mm 1/160s f5.6 ISO100

Tree of Light

After developing a serious case of photo-mono I decided to chase after some abstract colour. Four soft focus shots taken through a patterned window which refracted the light like a prism, displaying it's waves of colour. All taken at 1/250s f4 and merged together using blended layers.

Deep in Thought

85mm 1/40s f5.6 ISO1600 - Mono-conversion

Ska8er Boi

20mm 1/15s f4.5 ISO1600 -1/3ev - Mono-conversion


Another old 50D shot.

85mm 1/15s f5.6 ISO1600 -1/3ev - Cropped, mono-conversion


Taken in 2009 on the 50D but never processed.

30mm 1/50s f4.5 ISO1000 -2ev - Cropped, levels, desaturated

Tuesday, 29 March 2011


96mm 1/80s f4 ISO100 - Mono-conversion, custom filter/overlay

Monday, 21 March 2011

More Trees, More Mono-Conversion...

I just couldn't resist... 24mm 1/100s f8 ISO100 - Mono-conversion

Fairy-Tale Part Deux

The second of my fairytale portraits titled 'Repunzel' is currently in the works, but...finding myself without a follically well-endowed beauty to play the role of my towerbound princess, I stepped in - looking more like one of the seven dwarfs - to take this composition/lighting reference shot.

Taken using controlled natural light by positioning myself between two large windows. One higher to light my face which was partially blocked to create a gradient on the wall and shadow on the beanie. The other slightly lower to create a rim light -

50mm 1/20s f2.2 ISO400 - Mono-conversion

Silence of the Lambs

Spring sees the arrival of newborn lambs, a popular subject for most photographers. But I found myself compelled to shoot this unlucky youngster, a stark reminder that where there is beauty there is cruelty.

105mm 1/320s f6.3 ISO100 -2/3ev - Desaturated, blur


John plays with his new toy, a Canon 5D MKII.

65mm 1/400s f5 ISO100 -2/3ev - Mono-conversion

Black and White

Not everything in life is black and white, except my weekend which seems to have been dominated by black and white photography.

105mm 1/200s f5 ISO400 - Mono-conversion

Friday, 18 March 2011

Lights, Camera, Action

Yesterday I received my lighting kit (2 x soft boxes) and couldn't wait to try it out. After 15 minutes of looking confused I'd finally put everything together and yet again my mum played willing model (thanks mum).
Two shots, one high key, one low key using one soft box -

High Key

70mm 1/125s f4 ISO2500 +1ev - Background white point set

Low Key

55mm 1/100s f4 ISO160 -1ev - Mono-conversion

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


A high-key headshot taken a while back with the 50D for an actor friend of mine

Using natural light in front of a white projector screen - Curves (highlights), cloning

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Leaving My 7D @ work...

...Forced me to dust off my old 50D + 105mm macro lens this weekend. I quite like limiting myself to a fixed lens as you tend to consider the shot more, having to move yourself rather than the lens.
Here are the results -


105mm 1/200s f10 ISO800 -1ev - Mono-conversion, levels

Monday, 14 March 2011

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


50mm 1/500s f5.6 ISO100 - Mono-conversion, curves, blur, cropped

Friday, 4 March 2011

Me, Myself and I

Another self portrait, this time looking at what can be achieved in post using Photoshop.

Mono-conversion, levels, cloning, colour balance, dodge and burn, retouching